Po wymianie młodzieży "Active Citizens Today" 2022-09-12 , aktualności
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Zakończyła się już wymiana młodzieży w Rumunii. Polską grupę tworzyli uczniowie naszych partnerskich szkół: II LO im. C.K. Norwida z Krasnegostawu i Szkoły podstawowej im. J. Słowackiego z Małochwieja Dużego, a liderami grupy byli: Andrzej Smyk i Aleksandra Chudek. Przez cały czas trwania projektu pomagalismy koordynatorom - rumuńskiej organizacji Pro Vitam wzmacniać widoczność działań.
The youth exchange in Romania has already ended. The Polish group consisted of students from our partner schools: C.K. Norwid Secondary School from Krasnystaw and the J. Słowacki Primary School from Małochwiej Duży, and the group's leaders were: Andrzej Smyk and Aleksandra Chudek. Throughout the duration of the project, we helped the coordinators - the Romanian organization Pro Vitam, to increase the visibility of their activities.
Visibility and dissemination of the project results
Trip of the polish group HERE
Youth exchange activities part I HERE
Youth exchange activities part II HERE
Passion walk activity HERE
Voluntary service in our countries HERE
Back from the youth exchange HERE
Theater game HERE
News about journey for the youth exchange HERE
Advertise of the 'journey video' HERE
News about first actions on the youth exchange HERE
Advertise of the video with first activities HERE
News about theater game HERE
News about last activities HERE
Advertise of the passion walk video HERE
Voluntary service in our countries news HERE
News with video about activities part II HERE
Back from the youth exchange news HERE
Theater game news HERE
Diary of the youth exchange HERE
Presentation of the youth exchange at C.K. Norwid Secondary School in Krasnystaw HERE
Presentation of the youth exchange at school class prepared by Zosia and Martyna HERE
News on the blog of the teacher from J. Słowacki Elementary School in Małochwiej Duży HERE
Presentation of the youth exchange in J. Słowacki Elementary School in Małochwiej Duży HERE